Salem Finance

Salem Finance is a Yield Farming Protocol, we are currently on the Fantom and Cronos Network planning to expand to many other networks. .The final goal is to end up being an exchange where you'll be able to swap, enter NTFs auctions and obtain gas for your expeditions in other networks.

You can get in contact with us on the Telegram group which will be our main communication media, and where we answer most of the questions.

Aside from that, we know how important it is to have exposure on other social media, therefore creating a Discord community for our users, so you can talk, share and enjoy together as the coven we are.

Information flies just as we do, and there’s no better place to send quick pieces of information or even announcements than our loyal companion, no, not the crow, he’s retired, but we got a bluebird to help us spread the word.

As you know witches can be mediums sometimes, we might not talk to those who passed away but we can be a medium between the official commands of the coven and the Salem community, therefore you should pay attention to it!

We also have a nice IG In case you wanna check it out!

Telegram (

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